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Mens Shed

Tapestry is running an Men’s Shed Appeal to help raise money towards creating a Men’s Shed in partnership with the Men’s Shed Association.  The Shed will be based at our South Havering Hub, HOPWA House in Hornchurch.

What is a Men's Shed?

The idea behind the Men’s Shed Association is to create community spaces for men to connect, converse and create. The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, but for groups of men to enjoy together. They help reduce loneliness and isolation, but most importantly, they are fun.

The Men’s Shed at our hub will be a place for groups of older adults to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending together.   The main aim is to create social connections, build friendships, share skills and knowledge, and of course a laugh a lot.

Activities in the Shed will include woodworking, metalworking, repairing and restoring, electronics, model building and creating and running a model railway.

Why are they needed?

For a long time research has shown the negative impact of loneliness and isolation on a person’s health and wellbeing.  In recent years  we have seen more evidence come to light that shows loneliness and isolation can be hazardous to our health and can cause obesity and excessive smoking. Surveys from mental health charities are finding that millions of people report feeling lonely on a daily basis.

Men typically find it more difficult to build social connections than women, and unlike women of a similar age, less older men have networks of friends and rarely share personal concerns about health and personal worries. It is not the case for all men, but for some, when retirement comes it can feel like their personal identity and purpose is lost. Men’s Sheds can have a positive impact and help to change that.

Sheds are about meeting like-minded people and having someone to share your worries with. They are about having fun, sharing skills and knowledge with like-minded people and gaining a renewed sense of purpose and belonging. As a by-product of all of that they reduce isolation and feelings of loneliness, they allow men to deal with mental health challenges more easily and remain independent, they rebuild communities and in many cases, they save men’s lives.

We feel this is vital to create a Men’s Shed within the local community.

Find out how you can get involved today by visiting our Men’s Shed Appeal Page.

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Tapestry Launch series of events to celebrate 75 years of service to Havering

At Tapestry we have been helping older people in the local area since 1949. We believe that every adult deserves the opportunity to live healthy, connected lives regardless of age or ability.

“My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, an everlasting vision on the ever changing view”
Carole King
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