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Tapestry 75 Years Anniversary Tapestry was created as Hornchurch Old People Welfare Association on 21st January 1949.

Tapestry 75 Years Anniversary – Look out for news of events happening in January 2024

Tapestry was created as Hornchurch Old People Welfare Association on 21st January 1949. To mark the anniversary we will be holding a week of events between 15th January until 21st January 2024.

Our journey started on the 21st of January 1949 when Hornchurch Urban District Council Old Peoples Welfare Committee was formed.

Our first social and recreational centre for older people was opened in the old Army Hut in Billet Lane. The club was the first of it’s kind in the district of Hornchurch.

On March the 27th 1965 the official opening of the ‘new building’ arrived and it was appropriately named HOPWA House. It was given to us on a 999 year lease and is now the site of our Hornchurch HüB.

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Tapestry Launch series of events to celebrate 75 years of service to Havering

At Tapestry we have been helping older people in the local area since 1949. We believe that every adult deserves the opportunity to live healthy, connected lives regardless of age or ability.

“My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, an everlasting vision on the ever changing view”
Carole King
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